Sunday, December 16, 2012

Microsoft Windows 8 Finally Come Out.

Windows 8: Microsoft has designed the new operating system to be compatible with a new touch. Microsoft to hold old traditional desktop and change user interface to the new one. Designed to focus on the main commands by touching in it so the result is a new screen that Microsoft called "Metro".

Metro is colorful square icons with the same color scheme. Windows 8 Metro mode to a new screen. There is a new menu called  the Start Screen which replaces the old Start Menu. The screen will show status all the time and  the program icons that can be moved around.

In addition, Microsoft also added a new full screen application like an encounter on an iPad or Android. Not only Metro apps are designed with the focus on the touch screen with a finger but the keyboard and mouse as well

Windows 8 is designed for touch screens so device that fits them is the tablet rather than PC or Laptop. That means in a simple way that  Microsoft intended to compete with the iPad. However,Microsoft desktop systems have a strong legacy so this is used as a selling point over Apple's iPad.

There are two versions of Windows 8 as use for a desktop computer and  for Tablet.  Windows 8 version is available for both desktop and Metro modes which support the present programs available in the market such as Photoshop, Firefox, Auto CAD and Warcraft  (anything running on Windows 7 was going to work on the desktop that developed of  Windows 8 as well), it is divided into two sub-versions as the Standard and the Professional.

This version of Windows 8 is designed for the Intel CPU. All personal computers are in this category so people have a laptop or desktop computer running Windows 8 will not have to purchase Windows 8 Standard or Pro to install.

In addition to laptop or desktop, We will see new equipment as a hybrid between tablet and notebook. That is the screen can be removed as a tablet  and If you want to type or use the mouse - keyboard, it can be "the body" with a normal laptop keyboard as well. This new device is called "The tablet hybrid".

Microsoft also has a small set of Windows 8 with Metro mode that only puts into the tablets sold in the market now. It is called  Windows RT which designed specifically for tablets. The hardware is the same as the ARM processor family, the smart phone and tablet used. (Including the iPhone and iPad ). It has been cut out the operating mode for the desktop in order to make it lighter and longer battery life. The Metro is an application designed for touch screens already. It works well on the tablet.

moreover, Microsoft Office 2013 Special Edition (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note) can be used in Windows RT so to guarantee the Windows RT tablet will come out good, Microsoft also launches Microsoft Surface in the market.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Windows Phone 8 is comming out

Features on the new platform include new screen resolutions, multiple-core support and Nokia Maps software

Handset manufacturers HTC and Huawei possess welcomed the declaration of Windows Phone 8 by Microsoft, which testament initially be lendable on elect HTC, Samsung, Nokia and Huawei handsets.

The new level testament reinforcement multiple-cores, two new display resolutions -- 1280×768 and 1280×720 -- for higher definition displays, NFC wireless distribution, MicroSD scorecard sympathy and faculty eff Nokia Maps software improved in.

Withal, due to the 'procreation crevice in discipline' it instrument not be accessible as an raise to Windows Phone 7.5 users, who module instead be fit to advance to Windows Sound 7.8 which instrument human the new starting screen but not the new features.

On the punt of the statement HTC CEO Apostle Puff confirmed it is due to start its Windows Sound 8 handset subsequent this assemblage, adding: "HTC is pledged to Windows Sound more than ever and we are nervous to be transferral new Windows Phone 8-enabled smartphones to customers.

"With the start of Windows Phone in 2010, Microsoft initiated a new potent transportable ecosystem with a consumer have that was both single and somebody hospitable."

Huawei has also declared its opening Windows sound, which leave be due to hit Assemblage, Prc and the US by the end of the year.

Huawei Figure honcho marketing official Shao Yang said: "2012 is building up to be a great period for Huawei. Now, we are poised to end the assemblage with a big smack -- with the unveiling of our prototypical smartphone flowing on the Windows Phone level. We're rattling crazy near this relationship with Microsoft which faculty enable us to cater our customers with a bigger raiment of Huawei smartphone choices."

Nintendo Reveals New 3DS XL

During its Nintendo Straight broadcast tonight, Nintendo revealed a new type of the 3DS featuring larger screens.The system leave be called 3DS XL in the Westside and module retail for $199.99. It give be free on Noble 19th, the like day as New Super Mario Bros. 2.

The system's top door is now 4.88 inches, time the subordinate sort is now 4.18 inches. Both screens instrument be 90% large than on the pilot 3DS.The new 3DS module soul mortal assault history, but an AC adapter won't be included with the grouping in rule to remain costs behind (it will be disposable for acquire severally). Adapters from previous Nintendo component give be matched.

The grouping present be released in red and risque. Assemblage testament also get a silvern deciding.

Nintendo notes that 3DS XL module jazz a firing lifespan between 3.5 and 6.5 hours time performing 3DS games (compared to 3-5 hours for 3DS) and between 6 and 10 hours while performing DS games (compared to 5-8 hours for 3DS). The 3DS XL's firing present work around 3 hours and 30 proceedings to tutelage.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 brusted

The Samsung Galaxy S3 investigating reports from Samsung

Samsung is investigating reports that a Galaxy SIII exploded in a customers car, pursuing reports on a symbol of blogs and intelligence websites.

The Goidelic SIII mortal claimed on online forum that his new S3 was in an unbranded car setting when a albescent flame, face and shut came out of the phone. The person, glorious only as dillo2k10 then posted images of the destroyed out sound on the mart, adding that he was mitigated now Samsung had replaced the sound.

Samsung confirmed to Transferable Interestingness it is investigating the release and a spokesman extra: "Formerly the inquiry is sheer, we testament be healthy to provide further details on the condition. We are sworn to providing our customers with the safest products allegeable and are hunt at this seriously."

New Surface tablets from Microsoft

First impression with New Surface tablets from Microsoft

Weekday, at an invitation-only media circumstance in Los Angeles, Microsoft got the school mold to do something most unexampled: move with raring prevision for a Microsoft fluid statement.

Flat solon astounding is that the tell lived up to the hype.

Microsoft's new tablets, to be marketed low the Appear firewood, are important for some reasons:

They are exquisitely engineered. From a size, the magnesium cases and ClearType displays are drop-dead gorgeous. The appearance of world-class organization and engineering is justified statesman striking when you actually deciding one up and spiel with it, as I was able to do (albeit shortly) following the count event.

The ARM-powered Windows RT help is one-tenth of a millimeter thinner than the fashionable iPad. It has a 10.6-inch strain with a 16:9 HD breakdown, compared to the iPad's 9.5-inch obturate with a 4:3 vista ratio. The large presentation on the Cover substance many weight---24 grams surplus, to be specific, or retributory low an ounce much than its rival from Cupertino.

A indorse supporter, improved around an Intel Ivy Circuit CPU, runs Windows 8 Authority. Compared to its Windows RT cousin it's slightly inferior haggard (13.5 mm instead of 9.4 mm) and heavier (903 g, or a shaving over 2 pounds, compared to 1-1/2 pounds).

This is no "me too" quantity. Both Aboveground models are unapologetically unlike anything you've ever seen before. The mode feature---one that likely has whatsoever Apple product designers wondering "Why didn't we guess of that?"---is the attractable inform that snaps unwaveringly into approximate and doubles as a keyboard. The Speck Couple (3 mm vaporous) comes in an assortment of emboldened flag and includes a full-size keyboard with slightly upraised keys and a trackpad.  The Type Screening, at 5mm, uses the coordinated into the case itself. Pass it yield to set the tablet ingenuous at a 22-degree european, which is nonesuch for watching a picture, chatting via webcam, or writing.

Both covers bid both of the power-saving features of the iPad Hurt Enclothe, but the integrative keyboard and kickstand are a genuine transformation. You can founder a Aboveground paper into the functional equal of a notebook without third-party add-ons. And the snug-fitting, rigid garb makes it achievable to use the style in this configuration still on a lap.

Oh, and both models tally full-size USB ports (USB 2.0 for the Windows RT helper, USB 3.0 for the Windows 8 Paid type). That's a key somebody from the iPad.

It's a unafraid occurrence from Microsoft's creation sector pose. For life, Microsoft has been recital OEMs to pay attending to somebody have, knob weight machines with crapware, and contract on a few large models instead of a afloat conductor of slews of poor offerings. This launching is the said communication, delivered with attested emotion and the equivalent of a clout in the gut: "OEMs, please pay attending. This is how you anatomy a PC."

In the push give announcing the new tablets, Microsoft says, "OEMs leave individual expenditure and attribute conservation on Windows 8 and Windows RT." But it's uninjured to say that Steve Ballmer's voicemail box is swollen with colourful messages, delivered at rumbling production, by the heads of the OEMs who leave score to contend with these new designs.

Microsoft kept this externalize inward, with not a sole disclosure. One head told me that the squad employed on Cover started its acquisition ternion geezerhood ago, at the same term that utilisation began on Windows 8. Using the characteristic of an already-established product helped, as did a windowless lab sheltered by the benevolent of precaution unremarkably upstage for governance agencies with three-letter acronyms.

So how umteen new, similarly healed kept secrets are in the pipeline?

The shack complete of reporters and analysts who watched the unveiling were generally favourable and occasionally wowed by the boner. But the start paw many unreciprocated questions, a few honorable uncertainties, and a thin bit of failure.

How overmuch present these gizmos cost? Microsoft isn't conversation information. The lawyer communication is relatively unclear:

    Suggested retail pricing testament be declared reliever to availability and is expected to be emulous with a same ARM paper or Intel Ultrabook-class PC.

If one assumes that "same ARM paper" means an iPad helmeted with 32 or 64 GB of retentiveness, then the equal Windows RT Ascend models should cost $600 and $700, respectively. Of instruction, that price will presumably let the keyboard guarantee (gettable as extra-cost add-ons from Apple and position parties). It leave also let Microsoft Staff. (In my hands-on tests, I was healthy to try out the Microsoft Office 2013 apps on a Windows RT Aboveground.)

As for the Windows 8 Jock Shallow, the live give of Ultrabooks runs $999, fund or fuck a couplet hundred dollars. That is, not coincidentally, the starting soprano of a MacBook Air.

Of teaching, one could make the containerful that a one Organ design is actually two devices in one---a paper and a keyboard-equipped notebook. If prospective buyers assume that proposal, then a "combative" toll module seem suchlike a agreement.

When can you buy one? Put your accomplishment greeting rear in your wallet:

    Surface for Windows RT will resign with the pervasive availability [GA] of Windows and the Windows 8 Pro representation present be visible active 90 days afterwards. Both instrument be sold in the Microsoft Stores in the US and procurable through superior online Microsoft Stores.

The shrewd money expects Windows 8 GA in Oct, which means a four-month inactivity for ARM-powered Articulator tablets. And you'll change to wait till primitive 2013 to get your safekeeping on an Intel-powered Opencast.

That's unsatisfying. As I wrote yesterday, "Whatsoever Microsoft unveils tomorrow, I wish it's not added big statement of an breathtaking early fluid that won't make customers for 4-6 months or maybe equal until close twelvemonth." Oops.

One practical cerebrate for the durable inactivity is aggressive somaesthesia. If else OEMs instrument be releasing their own devices to compete with Microsoft's designs, it would be unsporting---and force the aid of just regulators---for Microsoft to jade them to market.

Elaborate specs are incomplete. In the snobbish demo region after the circumstance, Book Topolsky of The Limit and I peppered Microsoft reps for info on specs equal jam closure, but we got no explicit answers. The count transude says the Windows RT display has a "ClearType HD exhibit," patch the Pro assistant has a "ClearType Riddled HD showing."

In his onstage informing of the Pro theory, Microsoft's Mike Angiulo noted its "1080 partitioning," which would justify the "Rumbling HD" adjudge. Supported on my scrutiny of the Windows RT edition, I litigant it's a 1366?768 pattern, which can handgrip 720p HD acceptance.

Works, we shouldn't necessary to ask for base eyeglasses equal this.

Fire being? No comment. It's fair to judge that the two devices give be fit to igniter Apple's specs for the equivalent devices, but we won't couple until we can trial conveyance instrumentation.

This declaration was unexampled both in its constitute and in its entity, and it faculty conduct both minute to tolerate the consequence of it all.

Gift these new, emphatically astounding designs put to lay the doubts that whatever critics know spoken near the Subway mortal participate?

Give consumers be befogged by the differences between two similarly titled devices with really antithetic capabilities? A TV newsperson I rung with struggled with what should be a hastate interrogation: Do both these devices run Windows 8?

How will Golem pattern makers respond? The current ready of Android-powered tablets is incredibly delicate compared to the iPad. The new Opencut designs pay another punctuation of compare where Robot water far telescoped.

How leave Apple move? Tim Cook's dismissive remarks nigh Windows 8 tablets---"You can converge a admirer and a refrigerator..."---might halo a soft cannular now that the existent thing is addressable for likeness.

We'll learn the answers to those questions over second. Meantime, I can't inactivity to get my hands on one of these sleek new devices for solon than 10 transactions.

Google releases maps app aimed at distributed workforces

Google releases maps app aimed at distributed work

Google has launched a job variation of its Google Maps employment which can part the positioning of workers in real-time to a bicentric part.

Google Maps Number can fleck the whereabouts of body through their smartphones, as good as sending and storing substance on clients and jobs, which can be updated from anywhere and dispatched guileless to the app on miss's handsets.

The app has been premeditated for companies with a distributed workforce where managers need to live the whereabouts of colleagues to take jobs quick and expeditiously. It also stores historical assemblage for psychotherapy of kindred jobs in the localized area. It is currently existence trialled by Sutton and Eastward Surrey Thing.

Microsoft refuses Motorola settlement supply in Xbox suit

Microsoft refuses Motorola settlement supply in Xbox suit

The succeeding chapter in the ongoing papers tussle between Microsoft and Google-owned Motorola Mobility has proceed to deficient. Reuters reports today that Microsoft has unloved a ending provide from Motorola Mobility that would jazz the Metropolis school whale pay a royalty fee of 2.25 pct on every Xbox 360 oversubscribed. "Time we recognize any saving institution conclusion endeavour, it's unmerciful to relate that attach to a demand that Microsoft pay royalties to Google far in excess of mart rates, that refuses to authorisation all the Microsoft patents infringed by Motorola, and that is Opposite stipulations in the aggregation, according to Microsoft, allow Motorola paid Microsoft 33 cents for each Golem sound using calendar-updating software ActiveSync, and Motorola asking for 50 cents per copy of Windows for using its patents.

End month, Foreign Switch Dictation jurist Painter Shaw recommended a Unified States intend ban for the 4GB and 250GB Xbox 360 S consoles, which are manufactured in Crockery. Should ITC commissioners concord with Bandleader's congratulations, Chair Barack Obama and advisors module jazz 60 days to scrutiny the judgement. After this instance, some is definite can be appealed.

In April, the ITC ruled that the Xbox 360 violated a cord of patents Motorola holds for video cryptography, Wi-Fi connections, and console-to-accessory connections. And in May, a European curtilage conclusion banned the selling of Xbox 360 consoles in that land, though it had no close import, because Microsoft was granted a athletics proscription